Teachings of the Wise

Conserving sexual fluids and redirecting thoughts away from physical desires, channeling them through deep meditation, leads to the synthesis of ojas. Ojas, a subtle and vital substance, combines with prana, forming a coating on the nerves. This coating facilitates the awakening of kundalini, allowing it to ascend blissfully through the sushumna. The transmutation of sexual desire in this process contributes to the continuous creation of ojas.

The benefits of ojas are profound, making it prudent to abstain from any form of sexual activity or thoughts that could disrupt its flow. Ojas plays a crucial role in serious spiritual progress and the expansion of soul awareness. Celibacy becomes a key component in paths advocating lasting spiritual benefits. While not dismissing paths that do not emphasize celibacy, achieving significant progress without cultivating ojas may prove challenging.

It is essential to recognize the spiritual significance of ojas and its connection to celibacy, acknowledging that genuine spiritual paths often integrate these practices for profound and lasting results.

The Role of Celibacy in Spiritual Mastery

Acquiring profound knowledge and finding the spiritual path enlightening is undoubtedly valuable. However, achieving rapid and lasting mastery towards sainthood necessitates self-restraint, the practice of transmutation, or at the very least, moderation. It’s improbable for individuals indulging in conventional sexual behaviors to attain saintly status or maintain such a position.

Saints, historically, are not associated with engaging in sexual activities or frequenting brothels. Instead, they exhibit self-restraint, often practicing celibacy or transforming the sensual aspects of their relationships. Even in close relationships, love, and affection, they work on avoiding or purifying the sensual elements to prevent the loss of semen and orgasm.

The fundamental argument here is that habitual sexual indulgence and the cultivation of ojas are incompatible. Sexual orgasm with the loss of sexual fluids contradicts the spiritual path. Ojas, a sublime energy, can only be cultivated through long-term abstinence from all forms of sex, including physical, astral, mental, or causal sex leading to the loss of sexual fluids.

Celibacy, as exemplified by figures like Jesus and great yogis, is highlighted as a path to profound spiritual benefits. The transformation of sexual desires and fantasies through deep meditation or samadhi, offered to a higher Self, can result in sublime bliss and the ability to provide unconditional love.

While achieving months, years, or permanent celibacy is exceedingly rare, the benefits are deemed dramatic. Life becomes akin to heaven on Earth, daily challenges are met with ease, and serenity prevails even in challenging circumstances. Long-term celibacy is described as offering deep bliss, a sense of God’s love, self-confidence, the ability to meditate deeply, and potential spiritual powers like astral projection, telepathic communication, and soul traveling.

In summary, celibacy is presented as a transformative and profound practice essential for those seeking spiritual mastery and the extraordinary benefits it promises.

Celibacy and Transmutation of Sexual Energy

In the journey of understanding and controlling the forces of nature, a yogi or yogini stands out as a unique individual with a rare inclination to master the inner forces of nature, including thoughts, emotions, cravings, and particularly the biological force of sexual energy. Instead of using force, these practitioners successfully manage their emotions and sexual energy through the purification of brain and body cells, followed by the absorption of vital prana. The ultimate result is the transmutation of sexual energy into inner peace, bliss, joy, and love. The profound mysteries of life, encompassing sex, sexual desire, and sexual energy, are explored, emphasizing the detrimental impact on spiritual life when sexual energy is lost during reproductive activities.

Understanding Ojas

Ojas is introduced as a subtle pranic substance acting as a bridge between spirit and matter. It enhances memory and aligns individuals more closely with the intention and direction of the superconscious spirit. Rather than being a victim of blind instinct, the subconscious mind, and emotional desire, Ojas is depicted as an aspect of God and a vital substance for genuine spiritual development and interaction with the divine. The author expresses curiosity about a potential connection between Ojas and ectoplasm, the substance exuded by physical mediums for spirit manifestations. If such a connection exists, the article suggests that avoiding sex could enhance mediumship. Regardless of this speculation, the author considers sexual energy, vital fluids, and Ojas as the most valuable substances in the universe due to their remarkable benefits.

Overcoming the Mind

Happiness and well-being are closely linked to sexual energy, and moments of happiness are often associated with sexual experiences. The argument is presented that a higher level of healthy sexual energy corresponds to increased happiness. However, the immediate use of sexual energy through indulgence poses a challenge. The article suggests a gradual abstention from sex while redirecting the energy into activities like meditation, selfless love, devotion to a higher power, and communion with nature. It emphasizes the need to avoid not only the loss of sexual fluids but also the habits of looking at, visualizing, thinking, and fantasizing about sex, transforming these into higher feelings of selfless love, devotion, and inspiration. The transformative process centers on the mind, urging the habitual transformation of mental forms of sex into deep concentration on a higher power or elevated emotions like bliss and love, marking the path toward mastery.

Overcoming Sexual Desire with Prana:

The essential strategy is to cultivate awareness and acquire prana from nature. Delve into the article, “The Pranic Principle,” for an in-depth exploration of how prana emanates from nature and the universe, becoming a vital force utilized by our bodies for health, well-being, vitality, and even nourishment. Ojas is introduced as a mediator between prana and flesh, enabling numerous yogis to potentially substitute some or all of their nutritional requirements with prana.

Transmuting Energies and Cultivating Ojas:

The most effective method to transform basic elements or emotions, such as converting sexual fluid into ojas or redirecting sexual urges into divine love, involves adhering to the diet advocated on the website and engaging in ample outdoor recreational activities. Exposure to nature, especially during meditation, facilitates the absorption of vital energy, leading to sensations of bliss, expanded consciousness, and a profound sense of lightness. Ojas serves as an intermediary, connecting subtle prana with the body’s gross nerves and organs. This process allows for the absorption of more prana through the subtle meridians or channels, rejuvenating every organ with healthy, ecstatic vitality.

The pace of ojas creation is influenced by the quantity of “healthy” sexual fluid present in the body. Long-term celibacy, even abstaining from wet dreams, is deemed highly desirable, as the interaction between nerves, glands, and sexual fluid appears crucial for the genesis of ojas and bliss. Each drop of healthy sexual fluid in a robust body acts akin to a charged battery of vital energy, enhancing the capacity for bliss and spiritual enlightenment. Ojas, a pranic force, thrives through consistent practices of pure-heartedness, healthy living, appreciation of nature, and unselfish love.

The states of consciousness to aspire to are unselfish love and pure joy, as they are sustainable and all-encompassing. In contrast, lust, sexual stimulation, and drug use generate intense but unsustainable feelings, potentially leading to despair, depression, anxiety, and depletion. In extreme cases, these can result in mental illness, criminal behavior, or even suicide. Ojas, with its enduring joy, is the outcome of refined habits involving self-control, self-knowledge, and self-mastery. Although initially perceived as challenging, this path proves to be far easier, more exciting, wholesome, and fulfilling compared to the transient allure of sensuality.

Exercises to Accelerate Ojas Creation:

To facilitate the transmutation of sexual desires into ojas, consider employing a form of “energy healing.” If sensual thoughts persist, engage in a practice where you stand upright and vigorously move your hands from the genital area upward to just above the forehead. Repeat this motion several times rapidly. This exercise appears to redirect energy away from the seat of sexual desire, promoting vitality for transmutation and illumination.

Prana exhibits a fascinating property of following the direction of consciousness and mental concentration. During inhalation, envision energy in the form of white light moving up the spine, through the neck, and up to the top of the head or third eye behind the forehead. As you exhale, redirect your attention to the base of the spine. Repeat this process, imagining the inhalation breath acting as a pump siphoning energy upwards. This transmutation exercise accelerates the creation of ojas, leading to higher states of consciousness free from the pull of nature. Not only can lust be transmuted, but other emotions like anger, greed, jealousy, unhappiness, and tiredness may transform into joy and love through this practice. Perform this exercise daily until it becomes a habit.

Another intriguing experiment involves sitting, standing, or meditating in front of a fan blowing air in from outside. The longer one maintains celibacy, the more captivating the results. Experiment with different fan speeds and observe how the air flows around the body, the sensations it creates, and the cooling effect that induces a remarkable sense of bliss and ecstasy. The amount of ecstasy experienced from the blowing air can serve as an indicator of one’s level of ojas. It produces a feeling of numbness, deep pleasure in every skin cell, and a total sense of ecstasy and detachment from the body, particularly in individuals adept at creating, retaining, and maintaining ojas in their body.

Him That Overcometh – The Great Reward of Ojas:

In the most advanced cases of life-long sexual fluid retention, transmutation, and creation of ojas, one attains the ability to enter total bliss or a profound sense of weightlessness. This state brings unbelievable happiness and fulfillment, allowing the individual to leave the body and astral travel wherever their heart desires. This profound ability leads to permanent liberation from the confines of the flesh, offering unparalleled joy and the fulfillment of the highest desires. The power to leave the body at will, facilitated by the long-awaited accumulation of ojas, marks the end of all suffering and the beginning of profound spiritual knowledge, love, and unprecedented happiness.

Forget the treasures of worldliness, for the ability to die daily at will is the ultimate treasure. It surpasses the joy of having the key to a car for the first time. With this ability, the entire universe becomes available to explore, and union with God or the divine is achievable. Death is no longer a mystery, as one is already “dying daily” at will, visiting higher spheres, and communing with spirits residing there in perfect harmony with nature. Having overcome the desires of the flesh, there is no need for further rebirth in the world of the flesh.

Revelation 3:12 (Bible): “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out…”

Revelation 3:21 (Bible): “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.”

One Response

  1. Hi!

    What are your thoughts on letting my girlfriend orgasm whilst I do not? She’s not understanding the whole thing. I try to explain in so she understand, like why monks do this and so on. But she says sex is normal. She finally agreed on that I can keep my semen if I let her orgasm few times a week.

    I’ve practiced semen retention for 7 years whit the highest streak of 110 days or something lost count. And sometimes I just indulging in it before going back to retention again. The past 6 months has I’ve had 50-60 ejaculations with her and I feel very different and not happy anymore.

    So I’m getting back to it. 5 days in now and I’m going for a year.

    What should I avoid and do you have any insights to share to better my situation?